
Easy console password manager

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Text interface

The basic user interface could be accessed by invoking ezpwd command in a terminal ( presuming that it is either in $PATH or in current directory ). Help is available with -h command line option:

ezpwd -h
Usage of ezpwd:
        Add new password
        List all passwords
  -passfile string
        Password file (default "private/test-pass.enc")
        Update password

To start, the file needs to be created, and it could be achieved by -add switch. ezpwd will ask for the storage password ( this is the first point of failure - the password needs to be strong enough and should be memoized - not written down. It will be used to decrypt the storage with other passwords ). The storage file will be created in $HOME/private/test-pass.enc so make sure that this folder exists.

ezpwd -add
Storage Password :/>
Service :/> github
Username/email :/> user@domain.com
Enter Password :/>
Confirm Password :/>
Comment :/> primary github account

check out the content of the folder:

ls -l ~/private/
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 173 Dec 1 10:08 test-pass.enc

this is the encrypted file. What is cool about it is that you can easily decrypt it with gpg:

gpg -d ~/private/test-pass.enc
gpg: AES encrypted session key
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
github / user@domain.com / ObHivyasvoHas0 / primary github account

Substantially, you don’t need to worry about ezpwd. If you don’t have it installed - you may use GnuPG to access the passwords. And AES is pretty good encryption protocol.

Now, if you want to use the password database - you just invoke ezpwd with no parameters:

Storage Password :/>
| # | SERVICE |      LOGIN      |        COMMENT         |
| 0 | github  | user@domain.com | primary github account |
Choose password

Once you enter the storage password - ezpwd will decrypt the storage and show you a table. This table doesn’t have the passwords listed. Instead, ezpwd will copy the password into the clipboard so it will be accessible from there and you can easily paste the password into the corresponding input field. This is more convenient than selecting individual passwords and copying them manually. It is important to note that there are malicious tools that can intercept changes made to the clipboard, so be sure you are using a machine that has not been compromised.

To choose the password - type the appropriate number, in this case 0 - as listed in the leftmost column. ezpwd will copy it into the clipboard and then exit. You can verify it by hitting Ctrl-V in the terminal window - that will insert the password for the service from the clipboard.

Update passwords works in the same way: you need to run ezpwd -update, then provide the storage password to decrypt the storage file, then specify the number corresponding to the password entry.

ezpwd -update
Storage Password :/>
| # | SERVICE |      LOGIN      |        COMMENT         |
| 0 | github  | user@domain.com | primary github account |
Please choose the entry you'd like to change: 0
Service :/> github.com
Username/email :/> 
Enter Password :/> 
Confirm Password :/> 
Comment :/> 

Provide the password index (0) and then you may update some of the information. If you don’t want to update certain field - just press Enter and this value will remain unchanged. In the example above the name of the service was changed, the rest of the fields weren’t updated. This can be verified by

Storage Password :/>
| # |  SERVICE   |      LOGIN      |        COMMENT         |
| 0 | github.com | user@domain.com | primary github account |


gpg -d ~/private/test-pass.enc
gpg: AES encrypted session key
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
github.com / user@domain.com / ObHivyasvoHas0 / primary github account